Monday, July 27, 2009

Vienna Culture

Date: July 21
During these first two days in Vienna, we have focused a lot on its history and culture. Yesterday, we had both an open-bus tour and a medical walking tour of the city. I love the beautiful architecture here and all of the history that goes along with it. We also got to visit Freud´s house, which I enjoyed because when you learn about a person over and over again in school, it is almost like they are an imaginary person. So, I enjoyed seeing that the father of psychoanalysis was just another regular person with a family and routine, including smoking 20+ cigars a day!

Tonight, we got to witness the works of Mozart at the Grosser Saal. I really enjoyed everything about the performance. The building that housed the company was amazing and beautifully decorated. After the intermission, a couple of us were able to sneak up to the 8th or 9th row on the side, which was cool because we could clearly see the expressions and emotions that went into the music. And this allowed me to decide whether each one was a boy or girl, which was hard from the back row!

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