Thursday, July 09, 2009

Did we get off too early again?

The first week of AIB is coming to an end and I have had such a great time packed into it that I cannot even imagine what these next few weeks will have to offer as well. The rooftop tour of the cathedral was absolutely incredible and one of the best experiences of my life. I love old and grand things like that. It would be my luck though that just as we were getting ready to go to the best place my camera dies, some people said that they would send me pictures of while we were at the top so I dont feel as bad anymore.

Perhaps the one of the best parts of this trip is whenever we get lost, or when Alex gets us lost should I say, which tends to happen often. It's really funny because by now we know our way around town for the most part, yet we still manage to get off a stop early or get lost trying to find a place to eat every now and then.

I am very excited for this coming weekend in Amsterdam. There are many things I would like to see in this city, such as Anne Frank's house and the Heineken experience, because I have heard that both those things are a great experience to do. I believe the plan tomorrow is leave Köln around 3 and arrive in amsterdam around 5:30, however once we are their we will have no idea where to go to find our hostel or how to get around, but this is normal for us I believe and its nothing to worry about yet, not until we are stranded at 4 in the morning somewhere in Amsterdam, then we can start to worry. I will look at the glass half full and say that that will not happen though, but even if it does this is going to be a trip that we will not soon forget.



1 comment:

Alex said...
