Sunday, July 19, 2009

This week we went to Hannover and I think, so far, it has been my favorite part of the program. We went to the MHH (the medical school) on Tuesday and saw an open heart sugery! We also went on a tour of their telecommunications medical program. It was interesting to see the way care could be heading.
On Wendesday, we visited the TiHO. This is the vet school is Hannover. The campus (which might not really be considered a campus) is so much bigger than I expected. There was also a farm which all of the students have to live and work on for a few months. This is to allow students to learn animal husbandry for farm animals since many have not had such contact. I thought it was interesting to see that they actually get that kind of training; its something we don't necessarily get in our vet schools. Oh! And we got the rectally examing a cow... that was a hightlight.

This weekend a group of us went to Prague and though it didnt start out that great, it has become my favorite place so far. As soon as we got off the train and finally found an ATM, we were kindly escorted out by a lady yelling at us in cezch. By kindly, I mean not kindly at all; more like pushed us out the door. Then we had to walk around the most broken down, smelly train station I have been to yet just to find a taxi that cost a bajillion dollars. The next day, though was much better. This is a city I will definitley have to come back to.

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