Wednesday, July 29, 2009

I'm on a Boat!

To conclude our 2-week long backpack through Europe, 8 of us went to Venice. There were three incidences I sincerely thought my life was in danger just on the way to Venice. Our plane was banging heads on walls, someone definitely had a gun or knife in the Verona train station, and the bus driver in Milan had never heard of hydroplaning. By the grace of god we made to Venice as the sun was rising. Although we watched the sunrise from the floor of the empty wagon it was beautiful. Beautiful I say! Transportation everywhere in Venice is by a boat. So conforming to the title of this blog, I found myself on a boat most of the weekend.
Saturday, we had our first meal in Italy. I had pasta and Nicole got fish, a whole fish, a whole fish with a head, a whole fish with head and all its scales; probably still partially alive. Some went into the city and I went to the beach. The beach in Italy is my kind of place. Freedom is the theme and if you aint free get off the beach. I communicated my freedom with a Speedo. Pearly white thighs and the remnants of healthy body exposed to all of Italy and they had plenty to show in return. When with friends, you should nap. Nap I did! Being I was a bit exhausted from the travel to Venice I found a nice square of sand and napped on the beach in Venezia. Life was good.
Sunday the whole group rented bikes and headed off to see the island of Lido while exhausting our muscles. We managed to get split up, lost, mad, sweat, and then find each other get unmad, cool off, eat, and then go to the beach again. This time I was not the lone American in my Speedo. Roger and Andrew joined in the freedom party and we all made sure there was enough pictures taken to embarrassed ourselves for the next year via fb. We kicked a ball, kicked the ball at people, and in all had a jolly time. We ended the day with a group dinner in which we all spent more money than we had and drank more wine than is recommended. Venice has to be the most gorgeous city I have been to in Europe and I can’t wait to go back

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