Friday, July 10, 2009

things i have noticed...

1. everyone recycles. my family has a recycling bin for glass, plastic, paper, and even a compost. they have places on campus where you can take your plastic water bottles immediatly after you're done using them to be recycled for money.

2. there are close to no trash cans along the streets. even though there are no trash cans there is very little trash on the streets... except for the glass beer bottles. we were told that homeless come along and pick these bottles up and recycle them for money...although i'm not sure if this is correct.

3. they really like bubble water. i accidently bought a bottle of it the other day and it tastes like soda without flavor...i'm not sure what the big deal is. my host parents like to mix it with orange juice and think its strange that i just drink the juice plain. they also think its strange that i like plain tap water, but i think its strange that they like the bubbles so i guess we're even.

4. they're key boards are different. there are y's where the z's should be and the @ isn't where it is suppoed to be. it's confusing.

5. everyone eats alot of bread. this weekend while we were staying in the hostle, people would come out from the breakfest line with stacks of bread slices. There are also bread shops and bakeries on every corner it seems.

6. their dogs are very well trained. they will follow their owner around the streets, without leashes, with out ever straying. my dog would never do that among a large group of people.

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