Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Ich spreche nur ein wenig Deutsch.

My experiences here in Bonn have already amounted to much more than I expected. My flight in was successful and I was relieved that I was able to make it to Bonn safe and all on my own. I have had time to get to know my host mom, Eva, since she and I are the only two in the house. She is very sweet and has made many delicious meals for me already. I have actually been writing the ingredients and methods down because they are so good! We love to talk and tell stories and when she doesn't know the translation for a word to english, I am usually able to figure out what she is saying and give her the correct word. She has also tried teaching me some german, which I like. She treats me like her own daughter and I think everyone agrees that I have one of the best host homes ever :)

I have enjoyed the first two days at the AIB because they have been a nice introduction to both the city of Bonn and German culture in general. The lectures, tours and german language class made it easier to get around Bonn and to understand why we are here in Germany for a course in medicine. Just being in a place with so much history has been unbelievable. The lectures, like the one today with Mr. Zinnikus, have much more meaning when they are given by those that are truly passionate and knowledgeable about the topic. I am amazed at how the things we are learning about took place either here in Bonn or in Germany where we can walk the streets and see the buildings that were here years ago. I really enjoyed the Scavenger Hunt around Bonn today and was amazed at how well we were able to get around the city after only being here for a few days. We were even able to make requests in german! I felt more comfortable speaking german today than any other day.

The other students in the program are all amazing! We get along so well and have had a great time getting to know one another. When everyone is together all we can do is laugh and tell story after story. It feels like we have been here for such a long time because of how many stories we are able to come up with. I cannot wait for what's to come.


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