Sunday, July 19, 2009

Czech, Czech, Czech, Czech, Czech, Czech, Czech it out :)

So I'll be honest...I knew nothing about Prague before this weekend. I really wasn't even that excited. All I knew was that the shopping was good. So after a 7 hour crazy train ride, I still wasn't convinced. We got pushed out of the train station when we arrived because it apparently was closed and had to take a sketchy taxi ride to our hostel. The hostel was impressive, but it was 1am and I wasn't in the best of moods. We all got our room assignments and finally headed to sleep...

I woke up to a rainy, dreary morning...great. We took a tram into town, and suddenly everything changed. Prague is one of the most spectacular cities I have ever seen. I know, I know...I said that about Switzerland too, but it's a different type of city. Rain or shine, it didn't matter. The architecture was absolutely stunning. Each building had so much detail and told a story. The culture wass so rich. We walked around all day in the rain, but it really didn't matter. Around lunch time we decided to stop at a cafe right in the middle of the city and have coffee and soup. As mundane as this may sound, it ended up being one of my favorite parts of the weekend...great conversation and great people. We walked around some more and finally ended up back at the hostel for free BBQ. We then got convinced to go to a pub crawl with our hostel. We went back and forth on it for a long time, but we were so glad we went! We hopped around to 4 different bars/clubs, and ended in Europe's biggest night club! It was so fun and we got a free t-shirt...the deciding factor on us even going.

Today was defenitely more chill...of course, we walked around all day, but we weren't on any type of schedule. Our only scheduled activity was to go see Harry Potter. We have some major HP fans and found an English theatre, so we had to go. My HP background consists of listening to my Ron Weasley obsessed sister and watching every movie with her, so I was just along for the ride. This became very obvious when I feel asleep in the movie...oops. Nothing against the movie...I was just running on 4 hours of sleep and I fall asleep in every movie I watch. Plus...Cedric Diggery wasn't in it...:)

Tomorrow our group takes a train to Vienna, Austria to stay the week and then we're spending our long weekend in Italy! :) Sooooo excited! This blog entry doesn't do Prague or my weekend justice. Headed to bed. Laterrr

P.S....this is my second time to write this because I accidentally deleted the majority of the blog the first time around. Matt's here sitting next to me for mental support. Running on 4 hours of sleep, I'm not sure I could've done it without him. Thank goodness for Matt.



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