Thursday, July 30, 2009

I am going to miss Bonn

I wish we could have spent some more time in Bonn with our host families. This is not to say I haven't loved the excursions.
On Tuesday we went on the cruise down the Rhine River. That was a lot of fun. It is so gorgeous. I took so many pictures! We were lucky and had amazing weather. After the two hour boat ride we got off and had some lunch. I have noticed that I barely eat vegetables here and my stomach has paid the price. I appreciate getting to eat German food but I think I am ready to eat some healthier foods now. After eating we “marched” up to the Marksburg castle. That was impressive! I can't even image how old that building is. It is impossible for me to imagine buildings being older than the USA because I am so used to thinking everything made over fifty years ago is old. The view from the castle was almost equally impressive. I can't wait to show my parents the pictures from this whole trip! Our last stop for the night was the wine tasting. I honestly liked all the wines we tried. That was a fun experience. I think I am going to try to go to some more wine tastings now.
Last night my host mom took me to the park in Bonn for a concert. They were playing Aracbic music. We rode our bikes there. It was a gorgeous half hour ride. The only thing that could make it better was if I didn't have to carefully jump off the bike each time I must brake. Sometimes its not fun being 5 feet tall. We went with one of her old friends. She was from Poland and didn't speak much English but I found myself being able to get the general idea of what they were talking about. We all had a lot of fun! I really love the vibe here in Bonn and I am going to miss it here a lot when we leave. Maybe I should learn German and just move here...

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