Thursday, July 16, 2009

What a week!

So, I haven't blogged all week because we've been so busy. We've been in Hannover all week and I can't believe it's already Friday!

The week began with a lecture from Dr. Wasser about Nazi euthanism. It was easily one of the most interesting lectures we've had thus far. It's hard not to get upset about the subject. I cannot believe how much hate existed in the world at this time. So many questions come to my mind....Why didn't more people revolt against the Nazis? How could you possibly believe everything they were telling you was true? Did anyone think for themselves? In about thirty minutes we get on a bus to go visit a former concentration camp, Bergen-Belsen. I'm not sure how it's going to affect me. We also may make a side trip to Poland on Monday before we meet everyone in Vienna to visit Auschwitz.

This week has also been huge for me because I've gotten some clarity about what field I want to go into! It's hard to say, but I'm not sure if veterinary medicine is for me anymore. On Tuesday, we visited a cardiovascular clinic and I got to watch a pacemaker surgery. I honestly thought it was one of the most interesting things I have ever seen. I'm really meticulous and I could really see myself as a surgeon! I have a very close family friend who's a surgeon, so I'm excited to talk to him about all of this. This is exactly one of the reasons I was going on this trip.

Other things we did this week include learning about telemedicine, which was super interesting. I really wish they had this when my grandma was still alive. We had so much trouble with doctor visits and having something she could send from home would've been 100 times easier. We also visited two areas of animal research. We got to see a cow surgery and even palpate a cow! Almost everyone did it and there's pictures to prove it haha.

I'm having such a great time over here. I'm not stressed and the group of people is so great. Last night we ate a wonderful Thai food restaurant and then walked around downtown Hannover. This weekend, almost the whole group is going to Prague! I'm excited to do some shopping and just walk around. From what I've heard, our hostel is really nice too.

Like always, I'm reminded every day how lucky I am to have the opportunity to go on this trip. Thanks Mom and Dad! haha I know you're reading this...


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