Monday, July 13, 2009

i'm so 2000 and late

hallo! wie gehts?? danke gut, i hope.

NOTE: this is the 2nd required posting for WEEK ONE.

so basically, germany has been amazing so far. i love bonn. ten of us went on an adventure to amsterdam over the weekend. needless to say, it was sketchy but tons of fun! we visted the Reichs museum and the Van Gogh museum and also went on the Heineken experience! it was very interesting. The Night Watch is insane up close!! There are a bunch of small details in the blows my mind someone created that with just paint and brushes. Sunday we went to the Anne Frank house...very moving experience. it was very crazy standing in the same room her family hid in during those years. it was very sad to hear her father speak about her diary..also there was a picture of otto a few years after the war..and the pain and sorrow in his face... i honestly couldn't imagine losing my whole family.

apart from the weekend......... last week we went to Koln twice! The Koln cathedral is out of control. it was pretty much the coolest thing i've seen so far. it didn't look real! literally you look to the right and there are just regular shops and food places..then you turn left and there's this HUGE beautiful building, with thousands of just looked unreal. it was so pretty. the roof top tour was LEGIT. i'm not sure how safe that scaffolding really was..but it was very cool to see the city from that vantage point. i'm very lucky i was able to be apart of that experience.

side note: olaf's puppy dog COSMO is so cute. he is so energetic and just huffs and puffs all over the place. i love him.

anyways i've gotta be at the train station in 5 1/2 hours so i should probably sleep now.


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