Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The Red Light City

Amsterdam is a very unique place. It is full of culture, art, museums, drugs, and sex, which is a combination like no other found in the world. One minute we are looking at famous and beautiful Van Gogh paintings and the next some guy on the street is trying to deal everyone cocaine. All in all though the weekend in Amsterdam was fantastic.

Among other things, we went the the Rijks museum and saw some wonderfully detailed Rembrandt paintings (including The Night Watch), the Van Gogh Museum, had the Heineken experience, and the Anne Frank House. The art was great, and the beer at the experience tasted like heaven, but my favorite was the Anne Frank House. The 45 minutes spent waiting in the rain to enter was well worth it. Anne Frank was a courageous person and going through that bookcase into the Secret Annex where they hid made me feel so many emotions that it is hard to explain.

The night life in Amsterdam is also something that other cities cannot compare. As a group we walked through the Red Light District and observed the odd goings on. There is a certain awkwardness about watching "business" take place while in the district, making it a very interesting place. I believe that the Amsterdam group had a good weekend and had great hostels despite not being able to stay together. This trip is amazing!!!

Roger Jordan

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