Wednesday, July 29, 2009

back to BONNNN

this week i'm back in BONN! oh how i've missed it here.

we got back from switzerland around 8pm monday night and i finished reading "time traveller's wife" and i sobbed for like an hour. it was such a sad ending. if you haven't read that book yet, you should. its very good.

yesterday we took a cruise down the rhine! the weather was nice and everyone got a sweet tan! it was nice cruising down the river and admiring the vineyards on the sides of the mountains. after the cruise we visited the Marksbourg Castle. it was on top of a hill and we walked all the way up! the castle was very interesting. we saw alot of the major rooms, dining room, torture room, etc. it turned out that the girl who was doing our tour actually lived in the castle! how crazy is that?

after the castle we drove to a local winery and had a wine tasting! i loved the white wines but i'm not a fan of red i just sipped on those. i bought a bottle of the Papillion to take home, it's delicious.

right now we're about to have a pizza party!!!!!!!!!!!!!

yummy (as alex would say)


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