Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Wait, is this the right stop?

We went to Prague this weekend and getting there was almost more eventful than the rest of the trip! We had to run from Platform 4 to 11 in like five minutes. Then we almost got off at the wrong station in Prague because people on the train told us different things! When we finally got to Prague we were forced out of the train station, without being able to withdraw money, and we had to find a way to our hostel because all the buses and trams had stopped running. We took a taxi.

Sir Toby's (hostel where we stayed) was really awesome. Shyanie and I had a room on the 5th floor, which turned out to be the very top of the hotel. The breakfast there was amazing and only 100 Czech dollars. It rained all day Saturday but we still walked around the city. Prague has to be one of the most beautiful places I've been so far, even in the rain. We went to this really nice cafe to warm up and drink some coffee. It was one of the best cups of coffee I've ever had but it was pretty expensive...like 190 Czech korunas. To cap off the day we did a pub crawl with our hostel, which was interesting to say the least. It was a lot of fun and we were able to make friends with some of the people staying at our hostel. On Sunday we walked around some more and saw the city. We also went shopping!!!

This week we are in Vienna and it's going to be lots of fun. Today we went on an open air bus tour and a walking medical history tour. We then saw the Sigmund Freud museum. Tonight we are all going to Karaoke.

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