Monday, June 19, 2023

Week 4!

 After the travel week last week, I was excited for a more chill week this week. On Monday, we went to Remagen to visit the freedom bridge. I loved visiting this museum and learning the history of both the bridge and the town. I have always been interested in the history of World War 2 and so the bridge was super cool. For the next couple of days, it was just class and relaxing. This week in our history of medicine course we talked a lot about women in medicine and Hildegard von Bingen. I think Hildegard was so cool. I think the way that she was able to assert her own importance and power over the people around her at a time when it was hard for women to have their voices heard was so impactful. I also loved the discussion after the women in medicine lecture. It is always so cool to hear other women's perspectives on being a woman in STEM. On Friday, we went to Bingen and Andernach. Hildegard's garden was amazing and it was fascinating to see what kind of plants that the healers of Hildegard's time used to heal people. The medical history museum was also really cool. I felt like a lot of the information that we had learned over the program was presented again during the tour of the museum, so it was cool to see it all together in one place. On Saturday, we went to Dusseldorf in the afternoon. There was some sort of soccer event going on and there were so many different groups of fans there. Overall, I am excited for what this next week brings in Vienna and then Prague!!

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