Sunday, June 11, 2023

Week 3!

 I really enjoyed our group excursion to Norderney this week. I learned so much about Thalassotherapy and how important salt water is for your health. My allergies were significantly better in Norderney compared to Bonn, which shows how good salt water air is for the respiratory system. My family used to spend a lot of time in Galveston, and my mom is a firm believer in the healing powers of salt water in the Gulf of Mexico. I found it very interesting that Norderney was developed into a therapeutic escape from big cities in Germany. I definitely bonded with other girls on this trip and got to know everyone a little better. I loved hanging out as a group at the barbecue and the Badehaus experience brought us all closer. 

After this relaxing trip, I was excited to go to Amsterdam. We sow how clogs are made, tasted different flavored cheeses, cruised the canals, went to a bar made of ice and ate some of the best food I have had abroad. I particularly loved trying Indonesian food, which was amazing! I loved sitting at different cafes and bars to people watch. So far Amsterdam is my favorite city, and I hope I get the chance to go back.


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