Sunday, June 11, 2023

Germany Week 3!

 Norderney, Norder”nay”, however you want to pronounce it, I love you! 

With such a beautiful landscape and wildlife it’s hard to not fall in love. I enjoyed the mudflat hike and learning about the thousands of little creatures who found a home in mud. It’s so fascinating how something so seemingly simple is actually full of so much life. 

I also enjoyed the badehaus. The same mud that harbors thousands of little creatures made my skin glow and feel so smooth. The sauna was nice, maybe I didn’t find it as enjoyable as Dr. Wasser does but it was still relaxing. The cold water splash was my favorite part of “sauna-ing”. It was refreshing and rejuvenating. 

Our free travel weekend following Norderney has taught me one main lesson: DO NOT TRUST RHE DEUTSCHE BAHN!! 

After a lovely weekend visiting family in Delft and seeing the streets of Amsterdam, we are now stranded waiting for a clear alternative to get us back to Bonn. Apparently train tracks need maintenance and construction can cancel your second train of a trip with no warning, leaving you stranded in the middle of nowhere with no train to get home! Hopefully we’ll figure things out soon! 

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