Sunday, June 04, 2023

Germany Adventures Week 2


Hi guys!!!!

This week was so much fun! After our weekend in Munich it was nice to have chill days on Monday and Tuesday. 

Then Wednesday we went to cologne which was so much fun. First of all, the cathedral was definitely one of the coolest and prettiest things I’ve ever seen inside and out. Next, the tour was very cool because we saw all of the old Roman ruins. Then we had lunch where I learned no matter how much they hype it up, kölsch is not good in my opinion. Don’t come at me for saying that. Afterwards we saw the old Gestapo headquarters which was so interesting but so sad. After, we got massive ice cream sundaes. Maia and I split the mint chocolate one and ate every single bite it was fire. Then we climbed all the spire of the cathedral which was not the best thing to do after the ice cream but it was so worth it. Also we made a friend there. Antonio from Spain, who thought we were studying to be nurses when I told him medicine. I quickly put him in his place and said no. Overall cologne was a 10/10. 

The rest of the week was chill but interesting. We started learning pharm which I find really interesting and we learned all about the science of being a sauna. Now we are in norderney and I must say I understand the hype. It is truly impossible to not love it. We are going to the badehaus tomorrow. I’m excited but even though we have spent so long talking about it I have no clue what to expect. Anyways week 2 was awesome!!



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