Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Maia's Adventures in Germany week #4

This week has been one of my more slower weeks here in germnay. On Monday, we visited the bridge in Ramagden. I learned of the significance of the bridge and how the Germna's attempted to destroy it in order to prevent the Maericans from invading this side of the rheine. The bridge itself was beautiful and the breeze that came of the Rheine was peaceful, as if I could sit there for hours without getting bored. Later in the week, we learned about Hildegard and her badassery. She is now my new role model when it comes to defying social standards. I loved learning about her and her journey across europe to spread her knowledge. And people listened to her! I hope to be as corageuous as her one day. We decided that we were in dire need of a "nothing" weekend. The endless days of travelling can be hard on ones body and mind, and sometimes we need a break from adventures around Europe. Hailey and I decided to venture around Bonn, and ended up at the Rheinaue park and had ourselves a little picnic. We read our books and discussed our upcoming final weeks here in Germany. We sadly had to say goodbye to our host mother this weekend, as our travel schedule and her work schedule would no longer align. She has taught me so many new things in such a short period of time. Everytime I fly in a airplane now, I will now know the secret ins and outs of being a flight attendent.

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