Monday, June 20, 2022

Em's Week 3: It's Good to Be Uncomfortable


An island in the middle of the North Sea. Rarely traveled to by foreigners, but here we are. Not only is it my first time stepping foot into the North Sea, but it is my first time staying in a hostel. The familiarity a top bunk brought me was funny at first, and then not so much the first time I tried to get down the ladder and almost fell. Biking around a cold island in the rain for 2 hours is not something that I would have willingly done with my Tuesday night, but I came, I peddled, and I conquered... the sand dunes. I wouldn't typically do a sea salt silt peel with a group of girls I met two weeks ago, but now they are all invited to my wedding. I would've never gone into a sauna, but 90 degrees Celsius will be a feeling I will never forget. Waking up early to peddle out to mud just to walk barefoot through deep mud sounds more fun than biking, but I never thought it would go up to my knees. I had so many experiences in Norderney that I will never forget due to myself pushing through my comfort zone, but also because of the beauty. The grass on the sand blew beautifully over the dunes, the sunset over the sea was breathtaking, the little creatures that live in the mud flat deserve the best life possible, and the locals on the sea were so full of life on their island. I will never forget the feeling of putting myself out there on the island, or the crazy fun memories I made along the way.

From a medical standpoint, I didn't know that saunas or running into the North Sea as Thalasso therapy could be considered medical treatment, but after hearing a lecture from the world's expert on the physiological effects of sauna therapy, I can understand the treatment. I also felt firsthand the benefit of the island's air. With air blowing directly from the North Sea, there are hardly any to no pollutants. My asthma never flared once on the island through the hike and bikes and all. I totally understand why families with pediatric asthmatics move to the island for breathing therapy.

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