Saturday, June 18, 2022

Hildegard of Bingen and Andernach

     We just recently went to Bingen and saw the different things that Hildegard contributed to modern medicine. We learned about her "visions", which historians believe were actually migraines. Her visions were all over the second floor of the museum we traveled to, and it was very interesting to see her paintings and hear the different things historians think the paintings represent. Then, we went out to her garden. A lot of the herbal medicines in Hildegard's time was based on the way the plant looked, like if a plant looked like lungs, then doctors at the time thought it was good for the lungs. Going around the garden and seeing the different plants that were used in this era was also a very interesting part of the trip.

     Once we were done learning about Hildegard, we traveled to Andernach. There, we saw a very cool museum about the history of medicine. He put it together himself, and it was honestly the highlight of this trip for me. He had put together a very cool collection of materials, from an iron lung to old bladder stones, and he seemed to love what he was talking about. I really enjoyed this day of traveling, and on top of learning new things about the history of medicine and Hildegard, I also read 50 more pages of my book.

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