Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Noderney Recap!!

 Over last week, we got to go to Noderney, an island off the North Sea! When we first arrived, we checked into our hostel which was actually a lot nicer than I expected and I definitely appreciated all the free food haha! Then, we went on a group bike ride around the island which was such a blast! It was a little cold and rainy but I loved how quaint the little town was and just that little bit of exercise was so refreshing after being on a train all day! The next day, we went to the badehaus was absolutely amazing! It was so relaxing and it felt very cool to experience something very crucial to European culture. The 20 meter shower was one of my personal favorites and I liked the sauna a lot even though I have never sweat so much in my life. The mud treatment was also quite cool and my skin felt so soft afterwards. The nudity was a little shocking at first but I found it to be kind of empowering that no body there cares what they look like because, at the end of the day, vanity is fleeting. The last day was a complete 180 from the spa–we went on a mud flat hike to observe the unique ecosystem there. I thought it was super neat and the badehaus museum we went to afterwards was also very interesting; it was crazy to think about how long people have been visiting Noderney to experience the healing power of rest, rejuvenation, and the ocean air. That night, we did our group BBQ which was such a blast–it was just very sweet to all be able to relax and share a meal and it made me very thankful for the way we have all grown so close even after a few weeks. Anyways, so those were a few highlights from our trip but I really could write on and on because it was a really good time and so many memories were made there!

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