Monday, January 05, 2009

Post 4

So our free weekend in Berlin is coming to a close and all I can say is it was a complete success. Sunday was spent first thing in the morning with a mass at St. Hedwigs in Berlin in Latin. I had never experienced a Latin mass before but I'm glad I went. I was able to make out what was going on based on years of church, but other than that I had no idea what was being said. It was an experienced I enjoyed none the less. We went from there to try and see the crypts under Berliner-Dom but a service was in progress and we instead left for Postdamer Platz to walk around until the Blue Man Group show started. The Blue Man Group show was nothing short of AMAZING!!! I feel sorry for anyone who missed the opportunity to see it, especially since we got the tickets at a rediculously lowered rate for being students. I didn't expect there was going to be so much audience interation with the show but it made it that much better. The energy could be seen surging through the crowds throughout the show. Words cannot do justice to how spectacular the show was, only that if given the chance, you should go see the Blue Man Group!!! After the show we headed back to the hotel and relaxed for the night, the first early turn in this whole trip, but well needed.

Monday was nothing short of productive. We spent a lot of ime at the zoo and aquarium. It was great and there was plenty to see. It was unique seeing so many animals in a fresh layer of snow on the ground. The main event of course was the panda bear and polar bear, neither of which I have ever had the chance to see. There was a lot of great photo opts too. Once we had expended all the things to see at the zoo we quickly headed over to the crypts of Berliner-Dom. Not the crypts of old you would expect, these were nicely lit and had tile floor upon which sarcophagi of important people of the past sat. Some were detailed in everyway possible while others were simple polished wood, but no less spectacular. The Cathedral itself was astonishing as well inside. Finished there, we decided to quickly run over the Check Point Charlie before dinner. The museum was much more interesting than I expected. There was so many great stories and exhibits, you couldn't help but be enthralled by the information presented. It was one of my favorite museums we have seen so far (which is a lot). Once we saw all there was to see we headed back to Postdamer Platz to enjoy an amazing dinner special we found the previous day. FIVE EURO ALL YOU CAN EAT RIBS!!! There is nothing to say about it, except unbelievable! We spent a whole hour enjoying our fill. With our stomachs filled to the brim we headed back to the hotel to conclude yet another great day.

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