Friday, January 02, 2009

Just Jon 2

Well, I made it to Europe. I managed to survive sitting in a lobby at the IAH for 6 hours. I flew over to Frankfort on Lufthansa for 11 hours. I loved the flight. The flight attendents were nice, they served all the passengers snacks, breakfast, lunch, and even wine. The wine was new. It was my first plane ride and I wasn't for sure how it would go, but it went well. When I got to the airport in Frankfurt, I spent time wandering around looking for my luggage. After spending about 20 minutes looking for it, I couldn't find it. So, I had about 30 minutes to go look all over the airport for the trains. It took 29 minutes for me to find the train. Once on the train, I immediately noticed the scenery of the towns. The towns weren't like in America with tall buildings downtown and suburbs on the outskirts. All of the buildings were like the same size. From the train station, I got off at the Köln train station and met the crew there. From her, I caught the train and went to Bonn. From here, we met Olof who showed us to these nice dorm rooms which is where we stayed for the rest of the time in Bonn.

While in Bonn, we seen the downtown area, the shops, pubs, bars, and even candy shops. We also had a lecture on Homeopathy. This lecture really interested me because Homeopathy, which is made up of minerals, plants, and animals was a combination of all of the things that I actually want to make a carrier out of. Homeopathy looks to see both sides of everything in nature. For instance, Homeopathy will look at the negatives and positives of animals like the Bushmaster, the Rhino, and etc. This is really what I would like to do. I think I may have found my major. I also liked the Botany aspect of Homeopathy because I want to major in Botany as well. We also had a lecture on the history of Germany and we went to the history museum in Bonn, Germany.

From here, we went to Köln and saw the cathedral. I thought that it was just amazing. It was just overflowing with architecture, history, and people. I enjoyed the cathedral. We also ate at the train station in Köln too. For a train station, they had very good food. From here, we went to Berlin. We had to depart with Olof, which was sad because he was nice, helpful, made the best breakfast that I had ever had in my entire life, and he just kinda grew on me. He even gave us Berliners which were so good. I got really attached to him and still miss him. I wish he could have came on the rest of the tour of Germany with us.

Righ now, we are in Berlin. We all went to the New Years party downtown and man was it the stuff. I enjoyed myself a lot. I and the group that I was in got really close to the stage where the music was being played, we seen the fireworks finaly, we seen drunk people, got hit on by drunk people, I was dancing and singing both the German songs and a Rihanna song that people had going. It was the stuff. The only thing I didn't get was a half a meter of bratwurz. I reallz wanted a half a meter of bratwurz, but I had to let that idea go because getting the bratwury, even though it was only 3 Euros would have meant getting through a crowd of drunk people. I didn't want to do that. So after the party on the square, we all crammed into a crammed subway and came back to the hotel.

So far, we have been touring Berlin, getting souvoneirs, sight seeing, and going to some tricked out museums. The museums in Europe are way more cooler. So far this trip has passed my expectations. Also, we even got to try Döners here in Germany. I would like to say that the Döner I had yesterday was sooooooo good. It was like a food orgy in my mouth. I like it her in Germany. I can see myself spending a semester here.


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