Friday, January 02, 2009

I'm Loving It!!

I was nervous about the trip for various reasons, but I have absolutely loved my time here in Germany so far. It seems like we have packed so much in the last 6 days already! I feel like we have already seen and learned so much about the city even though we have been here less than a week. Everywhere we go there are cool things to see and there seems to be so much interesting history behind so many of the buildings. This is all very unusual for me since I have lived in America and never really travelled outside of the country but I love seeing everything. The buildings are all fascinating to me, especially the Köln Cathedral, but I love all of the architecture. It was so funny to see everyone's mouth drop, mine included, as soon as we walked out of the train station in Köln and looked up to see the massive cathedral. It was incredible. Each of the tours that we have been on have been incredibly interesting also. Our tour guides are wonderful, as are all of the AIB people and Dr. Wasser, so the trip has been an amazing experience so far and I am very much looking forward to the rest of it.

As I suspected, I've found that the things I was nervous about, such as not being able to talk to my family much, have not bothered me much at all. I have enjoyed talking to people back home when I've gotten the chance to, and I've probably talked to them more than other people on the trip, but I'm really doing fine on my own. I feel like we have a great group of people here and I've loved hanging out with them and getting to know everyone better.

The homeopathy lecture was very interesting. I had never known much about any alternative forms of medicine so I enjoyed listening to other perspectives, even though I agree much more with the conventional form of medicine. I feel like it's always good to hear more about other people's ideas and practices. I also greatly enjoyed Dr. Wasser's lecture on the Nazi Euthanasia Programs. Again, this was something that I had heard a little about, probably earlier in the year from Dr. Wasser, but I learned much more than I had known before. I find anything about medicine fascinating. Though this was a terribly horrible thing that happened, I enjoy learning about the history of medicine and the bad comes along with the good. Everything has much more meaning when you first learn the history behind it. I was glad that we had heard about T-4 prior to our Berlin tour earlier today for this reason. I look forward to the other guest lectures that we will hear and definitely the lectures that Dr. Wasser will give. This has been an incredible experience so far and I can't wait to learn more and visit all of the places we're going!

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