Thursday, January 08, 2009

Just write in blank

These past couple of days have been pretty tiring. Which is good of course. Yesterday I went with the med students to the hospital, since I’m pretty sure I want to end up working in a hospital pharmacy. Our first lecture on the health care system in Germany was definitely an eye opener. I knew it was socialistic, but I never knew the complete details. Learning that the German doctors pay so much less for that liability insurance than their American counterparts was a shock. It was a really good lecture. It was also really cool to learn about the AB/O incompatible kidney transplants, I had no idea that was even possible.
In the afternoon we went to the Hannover Zoo. Despite the freezing cold, it was so much fun. I can honestly say I’ve never been backstage to anything really and seeing the hippos and rhinos was fun, but by far the best part were the ice slides.
Today we got a tour of the animal research facilities. They definitely have everything running as efficient as possible. The operating rooms were really nice and big. I saw way more rats and mice than I would probably ever want to see again, but it was still neat hearing about all of the research they can do with
the small animals like cochlea implants. And the pulmonary and aortic valve transplants in the larger sheep

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