Wednesday, January 07, 2009

badge off, laid off

Today went sledding, fed a rhino, and went ice skating. All of these things were fun but still my favorite part of the day was learning more about dialysis. The doctor started the lecture by telling us about general German health insurance. They are utilizing the DRG system which is personally my favorite system. I think it leaves just enough incentive for the doctor while still giving excellent health care for the individual. The concept that you should strive to come under budget is greatly more efficient than their old system of letting anyone stay for an extended amount of time. There was one point of interest that really took me for a loop though. For private health care users the doctors are frivolously using money because there is no third party watch dog. I am not completely sure that I grasp the concept even after asking a question during the lecture. Other than that the health care plan seems like a great plan that lends itself to both the rich and the poor.
The dialysis machine information was defiantly my favorite academic portion of the trip thus far. I have had neither biochemistry nor anatomy but I still found much interest in this. The concept of using science to perform the biological function of cleaning the blood using the same basic tools is incredible. Getting to go inside the room and having a cool patient who let us touch the stent between the vein and the artery was certainly a treat. The little things in medicine such as a routine dialysis machine just blows my mind. They were routine with a procedure that is so innovative in my opinion.
The way that the German researchers are searching for advances in kidney medicine is stunning. The amount of information that the kidney researcher could just spout was incredible. He was so passionate about the kidney and learning about ways to manipulate its deficiencies. At the end of his speech he mentioned that they are always looking for students from America to get degrees. Knowing that I wouldn’t have to do it in German I would really like to do that.
Overall this day has been the weirdest day because the first half was so academic to the max and the second half was a mixture of biology and ice sports. It really is going well here and I am more than dreading getting back to a monotonous life of not world traveling. Another nerd nugget, we are all plant parasites

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