Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Woche Zwei!

So this week has been super busy! However, we are getting to know different parts of Germany so it´s definitely worth it! From now on we only have 1 day when we are in Düsseldorf for an entire day for the rest of the program! That´s incredible to think about! I am so excited about the different parts of this amazing country that we are going to be able to see!

Yesterday we went to Bonn and saw a little of the city, but then we went to Königswinter to see the Animal Research Institute there. I am not that interested in animals, but they were so cute and I had never seen farm animals that up close! It was a once in a life time experience, I learned a lot about veternary medicine, and can say that I have pet a cows head while wearing a Beastie Boys music video outfit! :)

Today we are going to go to the Köln Zoo and the Hannover tomorrow. We are staying overnight in Hannover in a Hostel. This will be my first hostel experience! I´m a bit nervous, but I know that they wouldn´t put us up in some shanty...but I guess we shall see!

My birthday is this coming weekend and apparently in Germany it is bad luck to celebrate your birthday earlier! Hmm....well in Germany I would be having a lot of bad luck! Oops! But on Thursday night we are going to celebrate into my birthday, which is looked upon favorably! So we are going to go to AltStadt on Thursday, take a train to Paris and arrive late on Friday night, and then see the sights and keep on celebrating on Saturday and Sunday!

I am a bit afraid of Parisians being mean because I don´t know any French, minus my butchering of words of ´my name is..´´I would like...´and so on! So that´s it for now! I´m can´t wait to see what all these excursions hold!

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