Friday, July 18, 2008

Hannnover, Paris

This week has absolutely flown by with all the trips that we have been taking. I really can't believe that it has already been two weeks since I have arrived in Germany, and that we only have three weeks left. This trip has been awesome so far, and everything that it has been described as and more. I'm glad that we have started with the different medical/vet excursions, even though I am interested in German history and culture, it's still nice to be able to go out and see different things in the field and speak with experts about their research. Even though the speakers are extremely nice and outgoing with their work and research, I still feel that it is hard to come up with questions to ask them and are relevant to their field of study. Since I do not know nearly as much as they do in their field, it's hard to come up with questions that either 1 - make me look like an idiot, or 2 - are not really relevant to what they are actually working on. Hopefully I will get more experience in this and be able to come up with good questions. As far as this weekend I'm looking forward to going to Paris and being able to experience another European city and get more stories for when I go back home.

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