Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Back Home... Almost

When returning to Duesseldorf this week, I felt like I was coming home. I find it strange how quickly i became comfortable with the city and my host mom. I missed knowing which train to get on, the bed i would sleep in, the musili would be waiting for me in the morning. I will miss my life in Duesseldorf. I have fallen in love with Germany and hope to return very soon.

On Monday, I enjoyed going back to Bonn. It reminds me of college station in a way because of all the students walking around. Although it was interesting to see how the ministry was set up and worked, I would have prefered if we had discussed more about the actual animal wellfare laws they have set up and there reasoning behind them.

I thoroughly enjoyed the anesthesiology museum. Although it was hard to concentrate because of how unbeliavable hot it was (by the way, i am greatly missing the consistence of temperature in buildings and homes in Texas), I wish we had more time to hear the retired doctor's stories. I enjoy talking with older doctors who have seen a lot and I think he was anxious to share his knowledge with us if we had been able to make the time. I found seeing how the different equipment and procedures changed throughout history interesting. I can't imagine being the first doctor to try putting someone under, not knowing how the patient would react.

Today was a very relaxing day. Last week was very moving and emotional due to the amount of holocaust information we discussed. Although it would have been nicer to have sunshine on the rhine cruise this morning, I have grown accustom to the daily rain in Germany and almost find it relaxing now. The wine tasting was not what i had in mind but was wonderful just the same. Overall it was yet another wonderful day in Germany!

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