Monday, July 28, 2008

Last week in Dusseldorf

Finally after an entire week of travelling we made it back to Dusseldorf. It felt great to finally be back in the city I feel most comfortable in. Travelling all over Europe is great and everything, but it definitely starts to wear on me after about day 4 or 5. Nuremburg, Munich, Austria, and renting a car and driving through the Black Forest were all amazing. They were right, the Black Forest really does look black from a distance, and Salzburg was a nice city to walk around and site see in. Driving in Germany was definitely an experience, the rules really aren't that different from the states, but the signs sure are. It is also intimidating to drive in the cities (if the other drivers smell fear, they eat you alive). Also, Pete's video of him freaking out on the bunjee jump was hilarious, if I had been there, I would've laughed at him with everyone else on the bridge that was watching.

I am really looking forward to the wine tasting tomorrow. I'm sure most people here know that I really like beer, but wine is something to sit back and enjoy. I'm glad that I much prefer white wine to red wine as well. The boat cruise should be fun also, and I'm sure the bus will be cramped like always. Today's events were good as well, the government agency we visited today was interesting, though a little long, and I thought the anethesia museum was great. There's nothing like an experienced retired doctor telling stories about all the experiences he's had and the history behind the devices. It felt like I was talking with my Grandfather back home.

We aren't sure where this weekend will take us yet, but it's Europe man, you really can't go wrong.

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