Thursday, July 17, 2008

Travel Travel Travel

This week has been so busy with all the traveling! The Farm was really neat and I loved getting a chance to see rural Germany. I found the information about dairy cows very interesting since my family raised dairy cows when I was younger. It did not seem to pertain to medical school very much, but it was very informing and neat to see how they do research on animals on a farm. The Zoo was awesome! I love zoos, and I had never seen one with such nice exhibits for the animals. The tour was nice, but I was expecting something more behind the scenes. I felt like a lot of the information was similar to what they put on the informational plaque and that we could have gotten almost the same information from going around ourselves with Dr. Wasser. The medical and vet schools were really neat! I really enjoyed learning about the research and seeing the labs and operating rooms. I'm excited I learned more about knock out mice, since I will be doing research with them this year. I was very impressed how they can keep all of the rats and mice germ free. The last hour where the vet students went to do examinations on cows and the med students when back to the conference room was interesting, but seemed a little repetitive from that morning. I really enjoyed the discussion the next day on Germany's health care system. It sounded very different than the US. I'm still a little confused on the differences between it and Canada, seeing as how Canada's doesn't work very well at all. I still hear of people from Europe coming to the US for health care though. The system seems to do okay for Germany, especially since they are so used to it, but I don't believe it would work in the US. I don't think the people would like it very much. The lung transplant was incredible!!! It was amazing to see a beating heart and the new lung inflate!! It was also interesting to learn about kidney transplants and dialysis. I was pretty exhausted by the end of the day because we had been going to so many different places. I was hoping to see more of the medical school and get a better understanding of what medical school was like in Germany compared to the US. I am excited to visit the Aerospace Medicine DOR! It is a topic I have never heard much about, so I think it will be very informative. I am getting a little tired this week with all the traveling, especially in comparison to last week's more laid back atmosphere. I kind of wish we did one of this week's excursions last week to kind of break it up a little more. This weekend we are going to Amsterdam and Brussels! I am very excited to see the museums and try the food! Hopefully I can catch a little rest on the train ride!

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