Thursday, July 24, 2008

Bavaria- an original title

We've seen so many things that I have no idea where to start! Seeing the rally grounds, courthouse, and documentation center in Nuremberg was a different and memorable experience for me. It is hard to explain the feelings I have had at these places because I have never had these feelings before. Now we are in Munich, and I absolutely love it here. Dr. Wasser wasn't kidding when he said it is a walkable city! The people here are wonderful and very nice.

Today we visited Dachau... I didn't like starting my day off there. As Mark, our tour guide, walked us through the camp grounds and told us of the torture that the prisoners undertook, I just kept asking myself "how can anyone be so cruel?!" I just couldn't grasp the fact that another human being would do that to another. I felt enraged and sad all at the same time. What got to me the most was seeing pictures... because the words that Mark said turned into reality with just a glimpse of a black and white photo outside the crematorium. It was also frustrating to see high schoolers laughing and non-chalantly walking through like there was nothing to remember. It was a great experience and an emotional roller coaster that I wish I never have to repeat.
I left with words of wisdom on the statue of the "unknown prisoner"- "To honor the dead and warn the living."

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