Wednesday, July 30, 2008


I feel almost spoiled with the host family that I have been matched with. I dont even think my parents at home have gone out of their way so much to spend so much quality time with Ashley and I. That is an explicit difference between households here and America that I am most appreciative towards and I believe most students on this trip have found to be true. After meals whether they last ten minutes or an hour, we are expected to sit for another hour or so in conversation. In this they always discuss important matters and news around the world as well as personal things just trying and genuinely caring to get to know Ashley and I. At my house after my mom cooks, anyone home rushes in to devour whatever is served at get back to their own business. Honestly, I have no idea where my brothers and sister stand politically, religiously, or on several other substancial matters, and I speak their language fluently!

Also, both host parents are off for the summer because their careers are both in teaching so their time dedicated to us is quite flexible. These are the things I am thankful for: They are up in the morning with breakfast ready and coffee on. We alway have clean clothes on Fridays folded and brought to our rooms. We can be assured of a hot meal ready for us when we get home waiting in the oven. Mrs and Mr. Banach called the mail service everyday until I got my medicine when I had poison ivy...I think I could go on for awhile. I feel like I am being completely absorbed in German culture at the family level living with them from things like these to being exposed and forced to learn certain German phrases. I absolutely love it has become my home and it always feels safe and comfortable returning to Dusseldorf like I would my own home in Texas.

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