Wednesday, July 02, 2008

kann ich die Mikrowelle benutzen?

Juice and I are sitting in the airport watching planes take off and land. I've never been to Europe yet I've always had an interest in the history and culture of the people. Germany has a special intrinsic appeal to me because of the disciplinarian society and the focus on education that they instill in their youth. While I don't know much about the history of Germany besides broad lessons taught in world history, I find the theme of "coming to terms with the past" of specific interest. I look forward to meeting the people and trying to find out what they think of their country both now and historically. Dr. Wasser mentioned that they aren't a smiling population persay, so it's highly likely that our tooth-filled excitement will be matched with a different reaction.

We are about to board and couldn't be more excited to get to know both our host family and our group. See y'all soon-

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