Thursday, July 24, 2008

Week 3 in Munich and Nurnberg

This past week in the program has been full of forgettable places. It started with a trip to Nurnberg on Monday and a tour of the city on Tuesday. On Tuesday morning we woke up to a miserable, rainy, and cold day. The weather was fitting for what we saw that day. We went to Nazi party rally grounds and saw the massive plans the Nazis had for Nurnberg. Also during the day we saw the actual court room the first Nurnberg trial took place. Seeing the party grounds and court room first hand really put a certain realness to it for me. Where as before I knew they existed, everything just takes on a whole new meaning when you actually see it for yourself. That same principle definitely applied today when we visited the Dachau concentration camps. We began our tour by seeing the 300 dungeon cells the SS used to torture and execute prisoners. Then off to the reconstructed barracks to witness living conditions for the prisoners. The tour ended at the gas chamber and crematoriums set up at Dachau. During all this I was composed and did not feel any stress until I saw the film. Seeing deceased prisoners whose bodies looked like skin covered skeletons and then realizing that I am actually at the same place all this happened, got to me. I think at that point I realized the horribleness of what happened and I myself felt a hatred towards the Nazis for what they had done.
Anyways, tomorrow we are off to tour a Munich University and then myself and a few more are touring around Munich on bicycles this weekend. It should be another fun and slightly relaxing weekend in the Deutschland.
Jordan “Juice”

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