Sunday, July 05, 2015

Reporting to you live from Bonn, Germany...

Our first few days in Bonn have been adventurous to say the least. I was definitely surprised at how tired I was by the time we got here -for some reason I thought jet lag was a myth. It isn't. Our host mom, Ana, was at work so her neighbor, Lisa, picked us up from the AIB when we arrived. We learned that Lisa was an opera singer toured all over the place. She was very kind!

When Ana got home we were tired, but excited to meet her. She made us a wonderful dinner and we fell asleep shortly thereafter. The house has been very full for the last few weeks. Two students from the Chicago film program were staying here and hadn't left yet. Ana's nephew has been sleeping downstairs while working on his apartment, and her daughter lives on the top floor. Everyone is so kind and inviting here -much like back home in Texas.

We've had a few German classes but Spanish just seems much more natural to us. I have slipped up a few times when attempting to respond to Hilde, our teacher, using Spanish instead of German...oops.

I have already discovered the most delicious form of street food -doner. It reminds me of a gyro, but German and equally as delicious. We've enjoyed plenty of tasty meals, pastries, and drinks. I can't wait to see what the rest of the trip has in store for us!

We've done so much in just a few days -way too many for one blog post. Stay tuned.

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