Wednesday, July 08, 2015

1/5 Complete

It has been quite the first week here in Bonn. The plane ride sucked, but all plane rides suck, so no surprise there. My host family was so welcoming and friendly; they made sure Kasey and I felt at home as soon as we got there.  My main concern coming was language barrier, but pretty much everyone speaks some English, so no problems there. The group is awesome. We all get along really well.  It was freaking hot the first few days. Germans are super into saving energy, which is cool and all, until it's 90000 degrees outside and no one has AC (except for Haribo, bless them). Sleeping was a serious struggle. It's starting to cool down now to normal Bonn temperatures, and it's the best thing ever.

We saw a castle and a church. Both were cool. Got lots of pictures!

Class is improving. Not going to lie, the healthcare lectures were pretty dang boring for me. I don't think I'm 100% on the same page about healthcare as Dr. Wasser, but it was still important information to learn. Now we're talking about the history of medicine, and it's extremely fascinating. Tbh, not loving German class. I've never been one for languages, so finding the motivation to learn is a struggle, but Hilda is such a fun and nice teacher, I don't want to disappoint her!

All in all, I give this week 7/10. One point lost because sweat and two point lost because allergic reaction which meant hospitalization which meant missing BBQ on 4th of July. Lesson learned: Bonn ice-cream places do NOT rinse off their scoops. The rest of the trip has been incredible, and I'm seriously beyond excited to start traveling all over Europe!

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