Tuesday, July 07, 2015

One Week Down

It’s been one crazy first week here in Bonn. I had a very long and sleepless plane ride to Frankfurt, luckily there were TV monitors that played our choice of movies, and also showed the world cup and Wimbledon. After what seemed like an endless plane ride, we finally arrived in Frankfurt. At the airport, we got our luggage and hopped on a bus for our final stretch to Bonn. Very shortly after our arrival in Bonn, my host dad picked me up. I quickly learned he spoke very little English, which was a little scary, and awkward, at first. He drove me across the beautiful Rhine River where my new home would be. I forced myself to stay awake the whole day thinking it would somehow cure my jetlag, I learned how wrong I was when I was staring at my ceiling trying to sleep at 4am the next night.

            On our second day in Bonn we were supposed to meet at Bonn Hauptbahnhoff (central station). My host family showed me where to get on the bus and where to get off the bus right next to the station. So I was just supposed to get on the bus by the house and get off the buss at Houptbahnhoff, easy enough right? I left an hour early just to give myself a little extra time. I got on the bus by my host home and asked the driver if it went to “the train station” just to make sure, he said yes so I got on the bus feeling a little better. After riding around on the wrong side of the river for a half hour, I realized I was on the wrong bus. At this point I started freaking out because I’m lost in a foreign country with no phone and can’t communicate with anyone, so I got off the bus. After walking around in the middle of nowhere like a chicken with my head cut off, I got back on the same bus going back where I came from, and got off at a stop that had the correct bus number on it. At this point I’m feeling a lot better as I get on the correct bus, unfortunately I didn’t realize I was going the wrong way. After about an hour and a half of riding busses, I finally made it to the right side of the river, and got off at the wrong stop. After playing a very interesting game of charades with the workers in the McDonalds, who spoke no English, I found out how to get to the train station. I made it to the train station an hour late to find that everyone had already left. Luckily, I found an AIB worker who got me a taxi to get to the AIB. It was quite an adventure, and fortunately, I have not gotten lost since then.

            My first week in Germany has been amazing. I’ve had such a great time hanging out with friends at the beer gardens along the Rhine, and walking around the town trying the great food. Yesterday we went to Cologne. One of my favorite parts of this week was walking out of the Cologne central station and seeing the monumental cologne cathedral, I can see why it took 632 years to build. I can’t wait to go on the rooftop on Thursday. The only complaint I have about Germany is that they have no air conditioning, it was in the mid 90’s this week and it felt a lot hotter indoors.

            My classes have been very interesting so far. In Deutsch it seems like we’ve been learning the language pretty well, but for some reason every time I try to order in German, I get laughed at. I’ve found the History of Medicine class to be very interesting. We learned about how healthcare in the US differs from other developed countries, and how it could improve. I enjoyed learning about the earliest forms of medicine this afternoon. Being pre-pharmacy, I found it interesting that they had “poop pharmacies.”

            It’s been a great first week in Germany, and I can’t wait to visit Salzburg, Vienna, and Prague soon.

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