Thursday, July 30, 2015



So some context. After Amsterdam we came back to Bonn for a rest! Four days back in Bonn before we leave for Berlin. On that Monday we went to the ZOO! And I LOVE ZOOS! We saw adorable fuzzy donkies, baby meerkats, cute penguins, suprised giraffes, hefty hippos and some awesome elephants!

The giraffes were really cool because they were in the barn and we could get right up next to them. Someone in the building made a weird noise a one point and suddenly all of the giraffes were staring over at this one person. It was awesome. 

The next day was intense. First we shadowed human surgeries at the University hospital and I felt uncomfortable. Just knowing that it was a person kinda made me feel weird. I still was interested and thought it was cool but I couldn't be a doctor. I saw three surgeries. The first was a bone biopsy of the tibia right below the knee. That was cool but afterwards (because she was a heavy smoker) she went into respiratory arrest. Which was kinda scary but mostly cool. The second surgery was the removal of a tailbone that hooked and was causing great pain for the past 5 years for this young woman. It was a very rare surgery to see so I was happy that we got to see it, but it still makes me cringe a little. What was funny was that as they were setting but we didn't know what the surgery was so when they taped down her butt cheeks we kinda freaked out. The third surgery I saw was on an older man who was getting his aortic valve replaced. It was really cool also and seeing the heart finally beat was awesome to watch, but I still felt uncomfortable so I saw the valve get replaced, I saw the heart get restarted and then I left. After the university we left for the anesthesia museum which put us to sleep. It wasn't that it wasn't interesting but we were all so tired of waking up early two days in a row that we were reaching our limit. My knees kept giving out during the tour but I finally woke up when I say that there was an iron lung! That was super cool to see. 

Then I met my cousin in Düsseldorf! She was amazing. We met at the train station and traveled around the town. She first took me to eat where we had krakauer which was a sausage in a baguette and it was delicious! We then walked to the Rhine where the sun was setting and it was beautiful. She was awesome as well and hearing about how she got in contact with my cousins and aunts was really cool. Definitely needed more than two hours to meet but we did what we could. At the end of the day she took me to have spaghetti ice cream which was vanilla ice cream with strawberry sauce but it looked like this.


Then came wednesday which was rhine-day. We woke up early and took a train down to Bingen and took a tour of the Hildegard museum. That was cool because there were images from the middle ages and also precious stones. I really liked the Hildegarten which contained many different plants used as medicine in the middle ages. Afterwards we went on the boat down the Rhine which was beautiful. On every curve was a castle and then we passed a giant cliff called the Lorely which was incredible.

The final stop on our Rhine tour was an awesome castle! Built over 800 years ago, this castle was incredible. We traveled through tunnels underneath the castle and it was so small and dark but cool. 

Overall it was an awesome experience and I would totally do it again! Soon we leave for Berlin and then for the USA. Its also my last day in Bonn today so we are having a "last hurrah" before we leave. Can't wait for what comes next! 

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