Monday, July 20, 2015

One less Item on my Bucket list

SALZBURG WAS AMAZING! Because it is surrounded by mountains, the train ride to Salzburg was amazing as well. We would pass sloping hills with a background of far off mountains, and it was just beautiful. When we got into Salzburg we stayed at Hostel called YOHO which also had a great view over the small town streets and steeples of churches that were nestles against hills and mountains.
The first day that we were there, Caitlyn and I wandered around the town. We first went to the Mozart House, where he was born, and it was amazing! While you couldn't get a sense of his work like at the Beethoven house, there was more collection of his family and his life in Salzburg and Vienna. We then went to go see the Domplatz which was surrounded by 3 major churches in the town. The first church we went to was the Dom and out of the three it was the most beautiful.

Three huge domes that were colorfully painted were at the end of the church and I couldn't stop looking up. The next church we visited was St. Peter's Abbey, which we first found the cemetery behind it. There were gravestones from as far as the 1700's and maybe even farther. We then found the catacombs that were literally dug into the walls of the mountains. It was dank, dark and small, but it was incredible to see how these paths were carved into the hill and then caves were formed for prayer and remembrance. 
St. Peter's itself was beautiful but not as open or elegant as the Dom. There were more statues and plaques around the church. The final church that we went to was the Franciscan Church, which while beautiful was my least favorite. Overall, there was nothing better than the Dom. 

DAY 2! The Sound of Music Tour was today! We visited everything from the original house, the bridge, the abbey and even the church that the marriage scene took place. We also traveled up into the mountains and saw where the panoramic views were captured in the first few minutes of the movie. It was awesome. Truly awesome. And then we saw the gazebo! And sang the songs! I discovered a great drink called Almdudler! I can't put into words how amazing it was! 

We then went to the fortess which we didn't stay long because it had been a long weekend and we were extremely tired. However, it was cool to see old weapons and musical instuments. My favorite room was one where they took salvaged armor and weapons and created a battle scene with large wooden stick figures. And then outside was a grand view of the Alps! It again was amazing! No words can describe the beauty and no picture can do it justice. 
The next day we began our travel to Vienna and i'll cover that in another blog but Salzburg! I am definitely coming back to Salzburg. 

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