Sunday, July 26, 2015

Back to Bonn and gone again

July 21, 2015

After a quite interesting weekend in Prague, we came back to bonn for the day to do laundry. Now we are on our way to Hannover and then on to the sandy beaches of Norderney. The three days in Prague flew by but I was happy to leave by the end of it. After averaging about 4 to 5 hours of sleep for multiple nights, a recovery day was much needed. The city was beautiful and I had a great time despite a few mishaps with customer service at restaurants. We walked across the Charles bridge and touched the lucky sculpture of the man falling off the bridge to his death. The John Lennon wall wasn't as impressive as I thought it would be, but I'm still glad I got to see a graffiti wall with so much history in the layers of spray paint. On Saturday we joined a three hour tour of the castle and cathedral on top of the hill. There used to be a moat, but Maria Theresia had that filled in. There was nothing traditional about the castle in terms of Disney standards. There were several different styles of buildings all connected in a long span.

I knew that people from other countries had differing opinions of Americans but I had never really experienced it firsthand until Prague. It's hard not to take it personally, but you have to put yourself in their shoes and try to understand the history of their country. I can't say that I'd be eager to go back to the Czech Republic, but it was an unforgettable experience.

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