Monday, July 20, 2015

Bonn is love, Bonn is life.

So a lot has happened since my last blog post about 10 days ago. I've been to Cologne, Munich, Vienna, and Prague. Here is a summation of every excursion:

Cologne was AAAAAAAHmazing. Seriously, it's the coolest city ever. I could've spent the whole day just staring at the cathedral, which was one of the most beautiful churches I've ever seen. They even had the alleged skulls of the three wise men. If they are actually the wise men's skulls, that means I was within 5 feet of bodies that were in the direct presence of Jesus Christ, which is mind blowing. Seriously, I want to go back to Cologne like yesterday.

I planned on going to Munich alone for the free weekend since everyone else was going to Salzburg (which I plan on going to someday in the future, it looked amazing). When I told my parents, they were more than a little worried for me, but seemed ok about the whole thing. Dad joked that mom should fly over for the weekend just to come see me. Or at least, I thought he was joking, until I received an email the next morning with Mom's flight conformation number. At first I was a little bummed that I didn't get to go on an adventure alone, but after thinking about it, I realized how much less stressed and happy I was about the entire trip knowing someone else was going to be with me. And parts of Munich were hella sketchy (or at least I thought they were until Prague), so thanks mom!

Got on the wrong train to Munich, which was terrifying, but everything worked out, so no harm done. Munich was a really fun city. Tons to do and truly beautiful. Mom and I saw two castles built by King Ludwig II, who had some seriously extravagant tastes. Good for us, sucky for his people during his reign. We saw Linderhof and Neuschwanstein Castle. Neuschwanstein is the castle that Disney World mimicked for Cinderella's Castle, though truthfully, I thought Linderhoff was more beautiful on the inside. Neuschwanstein was breath taking on the outside (see picture that I took that is totally postcard quality). Marienplatz was awesome too. 

Literally every street in Vienna was beautiful. The Vienna trip had some ups and downs (y'all know what I mean #regret), but was overall a good trip. Saw St. Michael's cathedral's catacombs, which is the coolest thing we've done so far. They had mummified bodies from the 18th century that we were allowed to see. The city itself was extremely busy. None of us were used to that after a week in quiet Bonn, so we were quite tired at the end of the four days. BUT still had Prague to see, so we kept going. 

Prague has been the only let down of the entire trip. Though the history and sites were unbelievable, it became very evident to us very quickly that Eastern Europe is NOT Western Europe. Rudeness is the norm, and tourism is rampant. Despite the people and crowds, we did all have a good time. My one piece of advice is never never never never never never never never never ever go to the club that is the largest in Europe. Sounds cool? WRONG. Unless, of course, if you're really into being constantly crushed into hordes of sweaty, drunk people you don't know, all while sweating buckets yourself, losing your friends, and being grabbed by rando men who have zero respect for female personal space. Me the whole time.

After traveling for 8 straight hours fro Prague, Bonn Hbf was the most beautiful site that ever has ever been seen. Literally, there are no words to express my joy when stepping into me and Kasey's little Bornheim home. We have one day of much needed of rest in Bonn, then back off to Hanover, Norderny, Amsterdam, and Belgium. I wasn't excited about Norderny until today after the pre-departure meeting; it sounds like it will be a much more relaxing trip than Vienna, which we all seriously need. Amsterdam makes me nervous, but I'm sure it will still be fun! SUPER excited about Belgium. 

ok bye

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