Monday, July 27, 2015

When In Amsterdam

Where to start?

Amsterdam was a whirlwind of a weekend. Early Saturday Morning, I got up with a few others to go and wait and line for the Anne Frank House. We got there an hour early and there was already a line. Not too long yet luckily. The house was such a somber experience. The rooms in the house were so small and the floor was so creaky. I can't imagine 8 people hiding in the rooms during the day in silence. It was heartbreaking to relieve the story of Anne Frank and the people who were hiding with her and just of all the Jews who died during the Holocaust.

After the house, we had only an hour left until the worst storm ever blew into Amsterdam. Well since records started being kept in 1901. Traffic signs were literally bent over by the wind. And tram wires snapped in half. Trees fell over. Oh and it was pouring rain! We were running everywhere as fast as we could to get indoors from place to place. Unfortunately, because of the weather we weren't able to see some of the things we had planned to see.

The next morning we woke up early again to try and see the things we had missed the day before. We hit many of the touristy sites and got souvenirs and saw and smelt things you would only see and smell in Amsterdam. We didn't have a break until we were on the train back to Bonn.

My favorite thing about the city was by far the architecture. The houses were all smashed together and built right next to one another. Sometimes, they would lean from the getting wider as they got taller. And sometimes the edges of the buildings on the corners would look like a point on a triangle which blew my mind. Also, all the houses and buildings were so colorful. I took so many pictures of the buildings because I think it was my favorite architecture I have seen in Europe so far.

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