Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Ok, so this may be sort of short because I have class in a few minutes...but I just had to say.....I knew my yesterday was coming. It involved, stress, working way too late, missing an impt. review, overbooking myself (fairly common among my friends), stressing out some more, roomie cleaning issues, being broke, more stress, and complete and utter ignorance of what real stress is like. Today, after much venting with my roomies, I've woken up on a better side of my bed. Better, but not necc. good. I cleaned the house again, and took my truck to the shop down the road, only to realize that I will have to take it in tomorrow and have it fixed (something about my brake valves and transmission....great). Money, stress, lack of time for living, these are all the things that compress themselves into my life as I blink my days away. Or are they. Like I mentioned in my post Dachau blog, I seem and have the tendency to forget all my blessings. But I am lucky that I realize I do this. Some people never do. I was in the medical library just now and I saw the journal hat I have been keeping. I decided to open it up to a page and read it. Then I put it down, and decided that I needed to relive my Germany experience a little. I google/imaged Dachau and saw just portions of what I had seen over Christmas. Let me tell you guys. I feel so ashamed that I allow myself to curse and freak out over my life. HA! I have it so bad, clorox under the sinks, warm sheets, windows that actually lock. Danm, my life is really hard! Right........I hope that I will continue to remember Germany and what I learned about myself there. I also hope that others will read this blog and when they are stressed remember that we DONT have it hard in the slightest. Times may seem horrible when we are turning circles in a round room.....but things will work themselves out. All we have to do is try to live life as it lives us. Peas and lub my friends...peas and lub.

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