Thursday, January 10, 2008

München =! Munchkin

For those of you who know what the symbol in the title means, I commend you for taking a CompSci class. Props.

The last day in Hannover was nothing mind-blowing. We chartered a bus that took us to a farm/research facility/learning center where we got to see farm stuff. You know, stuff like cows, pigs, goats, chickens, as well as the equipment used

Then, we boarded a train to Munich. The train ride lasted a good 4 hours I think, and me and Pablo definitly played Nintendo DS for 3 of them.

Arriving in Munich, or as I (and the Germans) like to call it, München, we schlepped (hehe) our luggage to the hotel and settled at around 8pm. I got the triple again with Andy and Michael. However, this room wasn't nearly as big as the one in Hannover. On top of that, both Andy and Michael were sick. They spent the night coughing miasma into the air that I like to breathe. I did not sleep well to say the least.

On the bright side, today, we took a short tour of München in the morning before Dr. Wasser set us loose on the city. I'm not feeling so great so I plan to go back to the hotel right after interneting. Yep.

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