Thursday, January 10, 2008

Experience in Germany so far

Well, I have a little more time than I thought before we go to the Hofbrau Haus, so I'll muse for a while.

Germany has been great, the food not bad, and the bread awesome! There are some wonderful places and people here, and I've enjoyed exploring. Folks definitely like when you can speak a bit of German, and it is advisable to be able to, just to help make communication a little bit easier even though one could get by without knowing how to speak any German, especially with the wonderful guidance of the AIB and Steffie, as well as Dr. Wasser.

While it's been cold, it hasn't been too bad. Definetely glad I acquired the proper clothes before coming though.

I've learned along the way that it is important to plan ahead, try to do as much as possible while not rushing oneself, which is why planning ahead is important as well as picking the most desireable activities, and take sometime to rest and reflect on what has been seen and done. Sometimes I get so caught up in all of the super duper cool things to do and see that I forget what it was that I have just done! I definitely enjoy travelling around and seeing bits of the world as well as meeting new people.

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