Friday, January 11, 2008

Last night in Germany

So on Wednesday, we visited the TiHO research farm. The piggies were my favorite part. We caught the train to Munich, a very long train ride, and then went to grab some dinner. Yesterday we did a city tour of Munich with our tour guide, Mark. He can speak over five languages! That's amazing. He knew everything, it was great. We had some free time afterwards and I did the rest of my souvenir shopping. Today we went to the Max Planck Institute and got to see some original documents dating back to the 1930s. Our lecturer did such an in depth explanation, he lost me for a moment but it was so interesting that it didn't even matter.

Our last stop of the entire program was the Dachau Concentration Camp. All I can say is, Wow. It was horrific and terrifying to stand in the places where horrible people tortured innocent people. The prison was probably the hardest part to stomach and also when Mark explained the poles for pole hanging that could be easily hid. When we saw the second Krematorium, I lost my cool and wanted to throw up. It was such an uncomfortable place that I really couldn't stomach it. When we stopped in front of the Jewish Memorial, I felt my hands start to tingle, which for me meant that tears were about to overwhelm my eyes.

In about twelve hours, we will all be headed for the airport...except for Yao. At the beginning of the trip, I was a little anxious to be around new people but at this point, I feel like I may have shared too much information with all of you at some point in time :) It's sad really because in the back of my mind, I know that even if we do all see each other again, it will never be like this again. I have laughed until my sides hurt, drank until I turned red, and shared an unique experience unlike any other with eleven special people, one kick ass professor, and our inten moota (Steffi, just in case yall didnt know).

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