Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Final days

Whew.. so google and me recently got in a fight and I haven't been able to post on blogger since I got home. Germany was the trip of a lifetime. But let me back up and relive the last couple days of the trip since I was unable to post before I left Munich.
Dachau... just the name causes a lump in my throat. Before we entered the camp, I was really nervous. I had no idea how it would effect me. I am really glad we had Mark as a tour guide for that portion of the trip because he had directly spoken with survivors of Dachau and it definately gave me more insight. As I looked back through my pictures of the camp, I found that many of them had a great view of the sunset. When we first arrived at Dachau I thought, "how can it be such a gorgeous day in such a horrid place?". I assumed it would rain just on principle! But Stephanie said something that really stuck with me. She told us that all the photos of the concentration camps were in black in white and that the German countryside was really beautiful in the summer. I had never thought of that. The fact that the sun sets just as beautifully in Dachau doesn't mean the Nazi's were any less cruel, but it is a sign of hope to me.
I was sad to leave my new friends and all the wonderful places and awesome experiences of Germany, but coming home was almost relaxing. I will always hold the people I met in my heart and the experiences I had in my mind and await the day I return.

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