Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Guided Tour and The Charite Museum

Besides not being able to feel my toes for awhile, I really enjoyed the walking tour of Berlin today. The tour guide was friendly and knowledgeable about not only Berlin and its history but also willing to discuss other topics, like gene expression and religion, with us. I didn't realize that there was such a high degree of tension between the Turks and the Germans in present day. The turkish food we had for lunch was decent, although I didn't like the Aryan milk, which tasted a bit like buttermilk. So much for my attempt to be adventurous with food choices.

On our tour, there were a couple of places, like Alexanderplatz and Stalinstraße, that the guide mentioned that I have added to my list of places in Berlin to visit. The list just keeps growing!

At the Charite museum, I particularly liked the medical and laboratory instruments on display, as well as the specimens that had artificial devices implanted in them. Some of the specimens on display, such as the disfigured fetuses and the wax models of eye diseases were grotesque, and made me wonder about being a doctor. I've seen surgeries and broken bones before and had no problem, but diseased things are not cool. Perhaps it just takes a little getting used to. Food for thought I guess.

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