Monday, August 08, 2005

Whirlwind weekend with Heidi!

Seeing as how this was our last weekend in dusseldorf, Heidi (in true german fashion) had a weekend of fun and touring all planned out.

We started by touring the castle here in Dusseldorf (the one modeled after versailles) on Saturday morning , and wound up at the beer festival in the afternoon. Even for someone who doesn't really like beer, i had a fantastic time! We tried pommes with mayo (it was strange...) and shared beers from all around europe. Don't worry...we only split 3 beers. I know eric is terribly jealous 8-).

Sunday we were up and at 'em again...this time we were off to Aachen! Aachen was a fabulous old city, with an extensive history. We toured the ancient cathdral there (built in the 800's) that has Charlemagne's tomb in it. After that, we happened upon (of all things) a wine tasting fair going on! We sampled two fantastic wines from the NRhein westfalia area. Sunday night we had a great dinner and listened to german folk music.

We had a great last weekend here, and I'm actually starting to get really sad about leaving it all behind. Especially Heidi - she has been such a fantastic host!

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